Honestly, I love the new area. Except that it's the typical 'first day' syndrome. Bunch of flagged people being asshats, standing on quest givers, running around being punks. I convinced my best friend (my co-healer in our raids), my husband and my best friend's husband (who is our guild master) to go with me to do the Thrall questline and the first batch of dailies.
The Thrall questline was were the most asshats were. It started with flagged Alliance in that little grove where Aggra and the dragons are. We went to the Air spire, where there were more flagged Alliance. I flipped from boomkin to resto to make things easier for my friends and suddenly my husband says "Aw, shit." He'd tab targeted a hunter and got flagged. So, of course, now I'm flagged as I'm throwing rejuvs around while actually fighting. The hunter turns to me and starts attacking. I tell everyone in party chat "kill the hunter, he's attacking me." The hunter goes down, and the 4 of us clear the area of flagged Alliance. We finish up, killing off the stragglers that show up and as we're getting ready to leave, a force of about 5-8 flagged Alliance show up. They're right next to Aggra, between us and the edge. So my little shaman buddy thunderstorms them off the side. It was awesome.
We get to the Water area, our PVP buffs wear off and we easily finish that up. Then it's off to Deepholm. We don't get flagged there and move onto the Firelands. Which was covered in flagged Alliance. They're running between you and the mobs, standing on them so you might hit them. Husband judges a rogue by accident and ends up flagged. He tells me not to heal him, so my shaman buddy heals him instead, getting flagged herself. So I heal both of them and the 3 of us die in a 4 pally blender. Argh. ARGH! We run back, and stand there until our PVP buff wears off.
We finish off the questline, I start to sniffle (yeah. I'm overly emotional these days!) and I get a sweet new cloak. I reforged a bit of the mastery to spirit since I love me some spirit.
We headed over to the new daily area, which was pretty awesome. It really sucks that you only get 2 dailies to do at first. I'm gonna start doing those dailies on my priest I think. I can't wait to get my 20 tokens to unlock the next area! Woot woot!
I'm pretty pleased with what I've seen so far. We're not going to step into Firelands the raid yet. Looks like this week we're going to try to down Nef and then maybe move to BoT next week. I hope that's our plan at least!
And lastly, BOE valor bracers. About. Freaking. Time. Someday I will get them!
4.2 Patch Day
Posted by
10:09 AM
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
And it's patch day again. Today we get that much anticipated raid, Firelands. I will admit that I've only read a little bit about the upcoming patch. I know that my druid's mastery is changing. I know that I'm excited about the new dailies I can do in Hyjal. I know I now have 3 characters I want to do all these things on and I'm not sure how to go about doing that.
Last night, I got my mage, who was my first level 60 horde character and my first level 70 character, to 85. I fell out of love with her in Wrath, and just logged onto her to do some alchemy when I needed too (she's transmute specced). However, now the love affair has been started up again. I started doing archeology on her so I could get a chance to get the Vial of Sands. So I got to level 83 doing that. Then I shelved her and started playing lowbie alts. However, with the Midsummer festival, I decided I'd throw her into some easy XP. I got half a level from doing Kalimdor and Outlands. I hit 84 and decided that since I was so close, I'd run around and do some leveling in Hyjal and Vashjir. Finished Hyjal, mostly for the rep for the hat enchant and the ability to do the new dailies when the patch came out, and am about half way through Vashjir.
But, today is patch day. So I must shelf my mage and my priest for a while. Karegina needs my full attention. She has dailies in Hyjal to do! I am not sure what my goal there is, but I have a feeling that I'll be doing something different then my always active husband.
Last night, I got my mage, who was my first level 60 horde character and my first level 70 character, to 85. I fell out of love with her in Wrath, and just logged onto her to do some alchemy when I needed too (she's transmute specced). However, now the love affair has been started up again. I started doing archeology on her so I could get a chance to get the Vial of Sands. So I got to level 83 doing that. Then I shelved her and started playing lowbie alts. However, with the Midsummer festival, I decided I'd throw her into some easy XP. I got half a level from doing Kalimdor and Outlands. I hit 84 and decided that since I was so close, I'd run around and do some leveling in Hyjal and Vashjir. Finished Hyjal, mostly for the rep for the hat enchant and the ability to do the new dailies when the patch came out, and am about half way through Vashjir.
But, today is patch day. So I must shelf my mage and my priest for a while. Karegina needs my full attention. She has dailies in Hyjal to do! I am not sure what my goal there is, but I have a feeling that I'll be doing something different then my always active husband.
Off and on
Posted by
1:10 PM
Friday, June 17, 2011
I have bipolar type II. As a result, I will start something and midway through it, will get distracted or frustrated and stop doing it. I am a infrequent blogger in my personal life, and I don't expect to be much better on this blog as well.
However, despite making my first post and then abandoning my blog to the nether, I will make more in the future as .... MY GUILD IS RAIDING AGAIN!
Yes, you heard me. I'm raiding again. And this time, it's not reluctantly. I'm 100% into it now. Apparently, getting a good solid 7-9 hours of sleep a night will do wonders for your motivation!
We did really well for a group just shaking the cobwebs off. We beat the loot pinata that is Baradon Hold, and then went to Blackwing Descent. With only 5 of our 'original' group and 4 other guildies, we cleared all the way to Chimareon, aka my bracers, and we're talking about extending next week to get some good attempts in on Nefarion.
We're currently rebuilding our raiding team. We lost one of our tanks, one of healers and a couple dps to various things. And we're a small guild so it hurts to lose these people. However, we did really well, and we got a good pug warlock to fill in our 10th spot. He got some loot I think, so that's good. We didn't hold anything back from him, and he seemed happy with us.
There was none of the frustration that we had during the last month of raiding. So, I'm really happy about that. My husband was the main tank and my best friend's husband was our other tank. He used to play a mage but we need a good tank so there he switched. I think he's just happy to see the content and it doesn't matter what character it is on. The healers were myself, my best friend and my favorite priest. The priest is usually shadow but she flips to disc when we need her. Which makes me really happy. These are my favorite people to heal with.
Hopefully we will pick up where we left off and make good progress! Wish us luck!
However, despite making my first post and then abandoning my blog to the nether, I will make more in the future as .... MY GUILD IS RAIDING AGAIN!
Yes, you heard me. I'm raiding again. And this time, it's not reluctantly. I'm 100% into it now. Apparently, getting a good solid 7-9 hours of sleep a night will do wonders for your motivation!
We did really well for a group just shaking the cobwebs off. We beat the loot pinata that is Baradon Hold, and then went to Blackwing Descent. With only 5 of our 'original' group and 4 other guildies, we cleared all the way to Chimareon, aka my bracers, and we're talking about extending next week to get some good attempts in on Nefarion.
We're currently rebuilding our raiding team. We lost one of our tanks, one of healers and a couple dps to various things. And we're a small guild so it hurts to lose these people. However, we did really well, and we got a good pug warlock to fill in our 10th spot. He got some loot I think, so that's good. We didn't hold anything back from him, and he seemed happy with us.
There was none of the frustration that we had during the last month of raiding. So, I'm really happy about that. My husband was the main tank and my best friend's husband was our other tank. He used to play a mage but we need a good tank so there he switched. I think he's just happy to see the content and it doesn't matter what character it is on. The healers were myself, my best friend and my favorite priest. The priest is usually shadow but she flips to disc when we need her. Which makes me really happy. These are my favorite people to heal with.
Hopefully we will pick up where we left off and make good progress! Wish us luck!
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Blogs I read
Hello world!9 months ago
Hello world!1 year ago
Rants about WoW and Overwatch6 years ago
An update from me and closing my guides6 years ago
What a partnership!8 years ago
First blog post8 years ago
Final Boss9 years ago
Queue Queue Queues.10 years ago
Silence in the Forest10 years ago
Hello, World.11 years ago
#Neverwinter Open Beta11 years ago
The Terror of Entitlement12 years ago
New recruit13 years ago
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Blade's Edge Alts
- Karegina - 85 Tauren Druid - Dinged 12/09/2010
- Annanda - 85 Goblin Mage - Dinged 06/27/2011
- Kaiakalama - 85 Orc Shaman - Dinged 12/02/2011
- Zaleda - 70 Blood Elf Warrior
- Roseria - 60 Undead Hunter
- Gazley - 20 Goblin Warlock
- Tanthsong - 6 Blood Elf Rogue
- Aberska - 1 Tauren Paladin
Madoran Alts
- Asmini - 85 Blood Elf Priest - Dinged 01/17/2011
- Sinia - 85 Blood Elf Paladin - Dinged 10/16/2011
- Duvessa - 85 Undead Rogue - Dinged 11/15/2011
- Paraptraz - 84 Troll Death Knight
- Arcina - 80 Blood Elf Hunter
- Laera - 75 Undead Warlock
- Gazley - 74 Goblin Warrior
- Zillarinzul - 70 Troll Warlock
- Vuzzgrik - 62 Goblin Shaman
- Noosha - 50 Orc Mage
- Berkwa - 42 Tauren Paladin
- Fyyn - 41 Tauren Priest (Bank Alt)
- Karagina - 34 Troll Druid
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