Sexy Plate Pirate Outfit - by my beloved husband
Note, none of these items are specific for paladins. They are all plate and are not Horde specific. Aka, you can slut up a warrior just as well!
The base for this set is the Bloodscale set from Outlands. He didn't keep good notes (as he didn't know I'd write a post about it) so all he can tell me is he farmed these items up off the AH and out of Blood Furnace (both normal and heroic).
For the legs, you will want the Bloodscale Legguards.
For the boots, you will want Bloodscale Sabatons.
For the chest, you will want Bloodscale Breastplate.
For the hands, you will want Bloodscale Gauntlets.
Now, for the other pieces ...
The shoulders are the Pauldrons of Swift Retribution. They drop off Nexus-Prince Shaffar in Heroic Mana Tombs. He got them the first try. He says they have a 18% drop rate.
The belt (aka 'belly chain') is the Belt of the Fallen Emperor. This drops in AQ40 from Emperor Vek'nilash, aka one of the Twins. He also lucked out here and got it the first try.
The head piece (aka the eye patch) is the Crimson Beholder Eye. This is a drop off a rare called Collidus theWarp-Watcher in Shadowmoon Valley. This is a beholder type mob (go figure).
The shield is the Shield of the Wayward Footman. This is a random blue BOE. It drops off mid-60's mobs. J found it on the AH apparently. He tried to farm it from Old Hillsbrad Foothills (normal and heroic).
Now. You will note there isn't a picture of the back. This is because J believes that melee characters should not have a cloak, as it's just something someone can grab onto in the heat of battle.
For a weapon to go with this, you can use something like Bloodskull Destroyer or Syphon of the Nathrezim. Both of these are maces however, and he doesn't usually use them. And if you are a holy pally, get Tempest of Chaos. He can't use that since it's a 'main hand' weapon. One a 'one hand' weapon. (This is why there isn't a weapon transmog link for him. He didn't transmog it!)
And Cynwise, is this enough skin for you?
Hmm, I have that shield for transmog on one of my warriors. Pretty sure it dropped in Black Temple so higher than mid-60s. But of course it is Tuesday morning and I can't go look to make sure it has the same name and not just the same look.
It could have dropped there too, Wowhead shows mostly mid-60's dropping it. It drops out of the heroic dungeons too though. So maybe mid to high 60's?
It's not so much if it's enough skin for me, it's if it's enough skin to keep my healer interested! Narci keeps saying that I'm too boring to heal! :)
Wonderful outfit. It's so over the top that it's kind of adorable in its own way. I mean, he went for the chain instead of the Bloodscale belt, which gives it a little heart!
I'm personally going for the Conqueror's set, so I can be the shiny tank. Easy to see, easy to heal. But I may have to get this set too. :)
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Now that is a very sexy outfit. I really like that belt!